Aishwarya rai hot

Aishwarya rai sex scene collection
After the Chalte Chalte fiasco in 2002 and the aftermath, Salman Khan and Aishwarya Rai's 2-year-long affair was breathing its last. Salman Khan had other issues to address as well in the following year apart from the fact that Aishwarya Rai has dumped him.

In 2003, while Salman was battling the fallout of the hit-and-run incident, the press was abuzz with sightings of Vivek Oberoi and Aishwarya Rai together at various events. Even though Aishwarya never admitted to a relationship with him, it was public knowledge that they were dating. Vivek on the other hand was desperate to make the relationship public, which he eventually did but after Aishwarya dumped him as well. Vivek would smile sheepishly when asked about Ash, hinting at a relationship between them. It was clear that he was completely smitten by Aishwarya and the fact that he is dating Salman�s ex girlfriend.

When the excitement got better of Vivek Oberoi, he did what no actor has ever done before - Point a direct finger on Salman Khan at a press conference. And the over confident actor did not stop at that! He even challenged him for duel!

Here is a how Vivek Oberoi managed to ruin his flourishing career because of Aishwarya Rai and Salman Khan.

The infamous press conference and the famous 41 missed calls:
Vivek levelled all sorts of allegations against Salman at a press conference. He said that Salman threatened to bash him up in public and kill him. Under the full glare of the media, Vivek went on saying how Salman called him 41 times to threaten him. Stating that he has Aishwarya's support, Vivek called Salman all kinds of names, including calling him an aging, frustrated and out of work actor. He openly challenged Salman to a duel.

Salman Khan's take:
Salman stayed mum on thw whole issue and made no statement in the public about anything.

Aishwarya Rai's take:
Aishwarya being Aishwarya, steered clear of the incident. Aishwarya was not happy the way he conducted himself. She started avoiding him and later indicated that she had no hand in the press conference conducted by Vivek.

Vivek Oberoi's heart break:
Later in a chat show with Farah Khan, Vivek poured his heart out. Farah asked Vivek if the lady he did all this for was grateful, "Lekin jinke liye aapne yeh sab kiya unhone kabhi bhi aap ka saath diya? Appreciated hua?" Vivek answered that he was called immature instead, "No! Ulta yeh hua ki "tum bahut immature ho." Apne industry mein ek dastoor hai - Jaise Tupperware jahan plastic ke dabbe banate hain ... usse zyada plastic hamare yahan hai. Plastic smile, plastic heart..plastic everything!

Farah asked if he was over Ash, "Kya aap poori tarah se unhe bhoola chuke hai?" Vivek laughed in agreement, "Unhe main bhula chukka hoon." And did he learn anything from the incident? "I've learnt that whatever you do, do it with your heart..listen to everyone but do what's right for you! Don't get frightened in difficult times and don't be overconfident or brash in good times - Maine yehi sikha hai ki 'jo bhi karna hai dilse karo, sabki suno khud ki karo, bure waqt pe ghabrana nahi aur acche waqt pe paglana nahin'."

Vivek Oberoi's loss:
Vivek Oberoi spent the next seven years saying sorry to Salman Khan who was in no mood to accept his apology. Vivek went to the extent of even holding his ears on stage in front of Salman Khan in full public glare.